Sunday and the best view of the 54 ° Trofeo Gorla

Clan des Team

The Brescian Clan-des-Team is ahead when it comes to our doorstep between Assenza and the island of Trimelone.

Then she gets to the buoy quite well.

Platsch Platsch-001

If everyone gets stuck outside while turning in, the bottom splashes into the water and the ship is additionally braked.

. Dann steht das Schiff

If the jib doesn’t come around right away, the ship is standing! And the Veronese’s X-40 is almost on her stern

Anyone who has ever failed to turn in a strong wind knows the problem. If you don’t have enough speed, the ship’s inertia won’t be enough to turn it in the wind and it just stops. Or as in this regatta, some ships were even pushed back. The problem is even more pronounced with the light ships with their huge sails.
If that happens to me, then the sailing ineptitude. If that happens to a ship that has won seven times and is sitting on the three presidents of the Brescian sailing clubs, the buoy is badly set …

Und vorbei

What do you do as a competitor? Whoops on the windward side and the Clan-des-Team remains without wind for a moment. Here the X-40 overtakes the Clan-des-Team

Und davon

Then the Clan-des-Team takes a less favorable course and the X-40 pulls away.

Die SSA-2 noch mit sieben Minuten Rückstand

And there is another boat that has sat down in front of the Clan-des-Team until the finish line. The X-40 boat of the second SSA team. Here at the Trimelone, seven minutes behind.

And what are the Brescians doing, who have been organizing the race for decades? You are now making an additional entry for the winner of the monohull boats! Well the SSA are just Veronese, incidentally stationed in “our” former port in Malcesine (Navene).

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