Cold what to do

In addition to the usual remedies such as throat spray, cough syrup and tablets for sore throat or fever, drinking tea and inhaling steam is an effective means of throat hygiene. Applied 1-4 times a day, the sore throat or dry cough disappears after a few days or a few weeks.
If you have a fever you should call your local hotline, doctor’s office, or emergency room during an epidemic.
How did I get rid of my dry cough?

Alternativer Text I have made a tea for inhalation:
Bring 2 cups of water to the boil in a saucepan
1 bag of cough tea (thyme, marshmallow, ribwort, Icelandic moss, liquorice)
1 sachet of chamomile tea
1 teaspoon honey
Cloves Olive leaves
the water boils
When the water boils, turn off the stove.
First stir in the honey and then add everything to the pot.
And immediately take it off the stove to inhale.
Hold your head over the pot
Hold your head over the pot and cover with a towel so that the steam does not escape in all directions. Approx. Breathe alternately through your nose and mouth for 10 minutes. I set the timer on the mobile. Attention keep the tea clean.
the tea has now drawn enough
After 10 minutes you can stop inhaling and the tea has now drawn enough. Now pour the tea into the cup and drink it slowly. There will no longer be two full cups because part of it has evaporated.

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