Cut olive trees to height

Cut in steps

In the campuses, the olive trees are cut down from the ladder. This enables a safe stand and eliminates the risk of a branch breaking off on which you are standing. But even with this method, safety is the top priority. The ladder is secured and you secure yourself too. If possible, the cuts are made so that you can hold the small chainsaw with both hands and prevent kickbacks from hitting the body. The turning and falling movement of the cut branches must be assessed carefully so that one cannot be hit, as serious accidents have already occurred.

This tree was over 10m high and in this overhanging case was cut down in 3 stages. First I removed the big branches from bottom to top so that big stubs remained on the trunk so that the ladder could later be raised safely. Removed the head of the tree, and finally shortened the trunk in pieces of 20kg to 50kg. If trees are 2-3m too high, remove simply the entire upper crown in one go.

Only old ivy bears fruit

altes Efeu

Ivy ripens its fruits in winter and serves as a food source for the starlings and other birds that are now migrating north. These fruits are VERY POISONOUS for humans and pets.

Only on ivy that is more than ten years old do flowers form in autumn, which then ripen into fruits in winter. These leaves have a characteristic shape when the plant has reached its fertile age, without indentations like the young plants.

In the Campo I leave the ivy on the walls for the insects and birds and only cut it back a little in summer.

Red ivy leaves?

rotes Efeu

Individual ivy leaves are often red in winter. It’s strange because the ivy is evergreen. The red color comes from the anthocyanin, which is a kind of frost protection. The discoloration also depends on the soil and exposure to sunlight. Here above the dry stone wall, the soil is very poor, which favors the discoloration.

Not Asterix and “The Great Crossing”


But lockdown and the last apple! The shelves of the open display in the right cases because of the Corona epidemic bypass, replenishment war not yet there and the perception does not take place. And when asked when fruit and vegetables will come back, the stone answer was: “I don’t know”! Also don’t hoard toilet paper instead of apples. 😉

Now the whole top floor is cut

Der obere Boden ist geschnitten

All the olive trees on the upper floor are again about 6m high. I am happy that I am making good progress. By the end of the 2020 campaign at the end of March, I should have created over 100 trees if the weather and SARS-CoV-2 allow.

Another clear day

Ein klarer Tag

Today the wide shift is impressive again, Monte Tremalzo still in white snow, but crisp and clear. The olive trees stand in the foreground and wait for their hairdresser.

Sometimes there is a waterfall very close by


About 40m from the upper south corner of the Campos there is a small ford with a waterfall on the mountain. Most of the time there is no water flowing there, but deep down in the mountain through the karst rock. But when it has rained, especially during the snowmelt like now, the water flows away above ground.

There is also something to do

Auf Höhe schneiden

I not only have fun with flowers and plants, but also have to do the necessary work in the campo. This year the second half of the camp comes with the cutting of the trees to about 6m. The tree below had grown to over 10m in height, after the cut above the middle branches it has the traditional height and can be harvested with a 12-15 step ladder.

The meadow shines in the evening sun

I go home at around 5 a.m. The bright lush grass under the light-flooded olive trees is delightful in the shadow play of the olives. In the lower part, the trees are still waiting to be cut. But I’m still there for 4 weeks.

High in the trees

Sonne im Gesicht

It’s just nice to work high in the trees so that there is always good olive oil. Today it was warm and to enjoy the sun in a t-shirt is wonderful! – Well, it’s not always like that at the time of year. And next week rain is announced, then there is a compulsory break if it rains.