The red lattice

Roter Gitterling

The red lattice is very rare north of the Alps, but can be found with us on Lake Garda in the olive groves from time to time. The flies are lured by the aas smell of the fungus, eat from the fungus and thus spread the spores.

Tree cancer


Tree cancer is caused by a Pseudomonas bacterium. Since the bark dies in the infested places, you have to remove the branches and burn them and then burn off the tool. However, the disease is common in the environment and is used, for example, in the surrounding area. Spreailed by the olive fly. So I can only keep the disease under control locally.

Olive's yearrings are hard to separate

Oliven Jahrringe

Here is the main load torn down by a storm damage. The yearrings in olive trees are individually unreadable. Statistical methods have been used to determine that the circumference in cm corresponds roughly to the life years of the tree. So the branch is approx. 50 years old.

Our tall tree

Unser hoher Baum

A tree has particularly struck me by its location and shape. I leave this tree at its ancient height of 8m. Since the H-ladder is not enough for the cut, here stands the "scala monomontante," as it is almost 9m tall. I usually only use these ladders for harvesting, as it is placed outside in the Astforks.

Tree cut before-after

Baumschnitt vorher - nachher

In front of the tree cut and after the tree cut. Here you can see well how the headphones are cut away. In the case of 3-yearly tree cutting, this is not so much. Here, however, the trees were not cut for a few years and strong headboxes have formed, which now unfortunately have to go away in order to reach the typical tree height with us from under 6m. The yield is, of course, smaller in the first year after the cut, but for that the tree again forms fruit over the whole tree crown. This form "acefalo" (headless) facilitates manual harvesting. (In machine harvesting, the trees are cut differently, only approx. 3m tall and "vaso-polycono")

The typical tree cut on Lake Garda


The typical tree cut with us in Brenzone sul Garda is "vaso-acefalo," that is, "headless vase shape" it is pulled 2-4 main branches from the trunk and the high branches cut away with the headcuffs–> video, so that the fruits form on hanging branches and not on The headcuddles. This cut allows for the traditional manual harvest.

Mower regime


Our mac regime leaves large parts of the meadow untouched in the spring. I mow around the trees freely and create transport routes for tree cutting. Thus, most of the meadow for the insects remains. This delights our eye and smells of all kinds of herbs.



What does a farmer wish for his birthday? A farming machine, of course. This time it's a high grid. The high grid allows the trees to be cut even without acrobatics.

Our next project

WIldnis No. 117

The wilderness in Campo above the Oze is incredibly romantic. Making this wilderness urready again will be our next project, which will probably occupy us all year round.

Tree cutting in fog


Early in the morning we go to the Campo to cut to the trees in the spring. I look after the Campo in 3 sectors, each of which is cut every three years. This involves about 10kg of leaves and 10kg of wood per tree.

Rosemary blossom


We are back at Lake Garda. At home, the flowering rosemary hedge welcomes us. In autumn, we want to produce seasoning oil with rosemary.